Schooled by an 8th Grader

A few Sundays ago, I was schooled by an 8th grader. In a Sunday school class where I was the teacher.

I could’ve been embarrassed, but I was actually so blown away by her insight, I didn’t care. (Props to God for reminding me that the Holy Spirit speaks through ALL believers, regardless of age or education!)

We were discussing the question, “How can we love others and be less selfish?” I went into what I believed to be an insightful answer, sharing how I sometimes focus so much on my to-do list, that I miss opportunities to slow down and interact with the people around me. Whether it’s my roommate wanting to talk about her day at work, a text from a friend seeking advice, or a chatty cashier at the grocery store, I can tend to be “in the zone” of what I’m doing and miss opportunities to fully reach out to people.

I told these middle school students that even though my to-do list often contains good things, I should prioritize loving and serving others. “After all,” I said, “Jesus would put people first over his agenda.”

Boom, imaginary mic drop. I thought. Nailed that answer!

“That’s kind of funny,” an 8th grade student said, “You said Jesus would put people over his agenda, but really, Jesus’ agenda was people.”

Hm… His agenda was people.

Yep, she was 100% right! I was mind blown. Even in my “Jesus first” explanation, I had completely missed the heart of the message. Jesus’ mission, his priority, and his agenda, was always loving other people. Period.

Jesus not only lived this mission through His actions, but He also taught on it explicitly. Matthew 22:35-40 says,

“One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’”

We live in a “put yourself first” culture, and we as believers are deceived if we think we’re immune from ingesting this lie. The Holy Spirit, our ever gracious Teacher, has been reminding me of this truth and revealing where I am not living it out as I should. I hope you will take some time to reflect on Jesus’ call to love others in word, in action, and in attitude of the heart.

Rachel Sinclair